The Wizard of Oz Fan Site by Zach Allen

Oz Info Page Online Store(under construction) Oz Contact Page The Wizard of Oz Awards  Return to Oz Site Stats Yellow Brick Links Guest Book Page The Wizard of Oz Fan Site Oz Photo Gallery Oz Photo Gallery 2 My Oz Collection Oz Artwork Sales My Oz Collection Cont. Patchwork Girl of Oz Site Updates of Oz My Photos Costume Giveaway





 3-25-13: This site is all but forgotten!  We've recently teamed up with our friends at to organize an Oz Costume Giveaway!  Check out this page for entry details! 

2-19-09:  The new website is coming along very well; however, it is a long way from being done.  College is keeping me pretty busy, so I plan to do a lot of work over the summer.  Stay tuned, folks! 

12-30-08: Hello, everyone!  We have some major changes on the way.  The website is being completely revamped with new and improved layout, information, media, and much more!  We will also be moving servers.  This summer, we also plan to get a domain name so more ".20fr." or anything like that.  I am currently taking ideas and submissions for the new site! 

Hello and welcome to THE WIZARD OF OZ FAN SITE.  This website is now 6 years old, it was created in May of 2002 when I was just 12 years old; Well, now i'm 18 and getting ready to head off to college in the fall.  Due to a crazy schedule of school, work, my acting career, and traveling around making personal appearances at various Oz events, I am no longer to keep this site up-to-date as well as I once had. (Note: This is the first update in nearly 3 years!!!)  However, I will still be checking in on it from time.  Although the site may not update very often, I am still keeping up-to-date in the Oz world and I am still checking my e-mail daily, so I welcome all of you to e-mail me with any questions you may have regarding Oz.  I love speaking with other Oz fans like myself.   Want to know more about me?  Just check out the "About Me" page!


Zach Allen (WizardofOzfan39)


All Updates have been moved to "The Marvelous Site Updates of Oz" page (2-25-03)

Last Updated: March 25, 2013.

New Pages:

-About Me

-Oz Characters

*This Site is now pretty much "as is." For current Oz info, happenings, or general Oz-related inquiries, please e-mail me at*


Copyright (C) 2002-2013 by Zach Allen. All rights Reserved.
This page has been visited 194866times since May 5,2002

Copyright (C) 2002-2008 by Zach Allen. All rights Reserved.
This page has been visited 194866times since May 5, 2002.